The Fireplace in Paramus is selling its bricks for charity


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Apr 10, 2023

The Fireplace in Paramus is selling its bricks for charity

Miss The Fireplace, the beloved burger joint in Paramus that two years ago

Miss The Fireplace, the beloved burger joint in Paramus that two years ago closed after 65 years of serving classic American fare?

The shuttered restaurant on Route 17, which is slated to be replaced by Chick fil-A, is selling the bricks — $100 per brick — from its iconic squat building to raise money for two charities: Paramus Food Pantry and NJ SOS Stakeholders, which helps U.S. veterans in need. The bricks can serve as a donation as well as a memento.

In a Facebook post, the restaurant said, "We are selling bricks from The Fireplace Restaurant building to raise money as the final 'Thank You' for our community. Bricks come with an engraving plate with The Fireplace name and logo." It added that its goal was to sell 1,000 bricks.

Patrick Reilly, who took over the restaurant 19 years ago from his dad, Frank Reilly, a former FBI agent, could not be reached for comment.

The Fireplace started out as a small, no-frills burger and hot dog spot that over the years was enlarged, with a big parking lot added. It served as a spot where so many North Jersey residents had their first dates and class reunions, celebrated high school football victories and took their children and grandchildren for meals. It was famous not only for its burgers but its "pickle bar" — a selection of pickles and condiments from which customers could help themselves.

When Reilly announced that The Fireplace would close, hundreds of fans waited on line on its last day — July 30, 2021 — for a final taste of its bestselling thinly sliced-steak sandwiches, thick roast beef sandwiches, its pizza and, of course burgers and pickles.

Today, they've taken to Facebook to beg the restaurant to re-open.

"Use all the bricks to rebuild The Fireplace!," said one fan.

"What if thousands were donated to keep it open?" asked another. Even a non profit? Like a food pantry. SOMEBODY call Jon Bon Jovi..."

Still another: "I cannot think of any other Paramus building that has as many memories as the Fireplace has. Going here was a rite of passage. Reunions. Meeting after the sprits games. First dates. Family gatherings. It's not about the money. Paramus history. There's nothing left."

More:Will The Fireplace reopen? What might replace it? Here's what we learned from the owner

More:The Fireplace in Paramus closing after 65 years

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